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All Press is Good Press

As I was on the west coast (of the United States), enjoying some down-time and meeting with current MicroAid donors and potential donors, I did an interview with a local TV station in Santa Barbara about our work.

An old friend is a reporter there, and she thought MicroAid was a great story. (We know it is. :) )

MicroAid also consults with a couple of Santa Barbara disaster-response organizations, Direct Relief and ShelterBox, when we are doing our preliminary research on a disaster location, so there is a connection.

Here is the link to the clip and the article. (Please make sure to play the video—it’s only a minute long.)

Thank you for being part of this amazing work—rebuilding permanent homes for disaster survivors around the world. We are truly having an impact… and are being recognized for it.

Wishing you all the best,

Jon Ross

Founder/project manager


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