Poverty is not Picturesque
I spend a lot of time in impoverished areas—ones that have also experienced disasters—so the neighborhoods where I do projects are not...

Living La Vida Loca
Living La Vida Loca After two months in Peru, I think I’ve come to accept the fact that I am not just visiting to do a quick project, I...

What's My Bag
MicroAid in the Macro World Here at MicroAid we are committed to being as environmentally conscious as possible; even on a personal level...

Eating for Two
Just rid myself of some kind of intestinal parasite after three weeks trying to use a local homeopathic remedy: eat a big handful of mint...

Pisac Poseurs
The crew works six days a week, so on Sunday, Melissa, Erin, and I went to Pisac, the other quaint tourist town, after Ollantaytambo, in...

The Most Amazing Street Festival in Urubamba, Peru
I got to see the Torrechayoq festival in Urubamba on Sunday. A day-long parade of dancers and musicians—dozens of crews in different...

Mysterious Ancient Ruins Near Our Project in Peru
Things are good here. Projects are moving forward—slowly, but surely. our site in urubamba backs up against another structure While...