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Philippines Houses Complete

The houses in the Philippines are done and I am back in the USA.

. The families are so happy now that they have solid homes that will withstand future storms and last for generations to come.

Betty’s site – MicroAid construction under way.


Two new homes for Betty and her family.


Betty and her family in front of their new MicroAid home


Pedro’s compound construction underway.

Two new homes for Pedro and his family.


Pedro’s family in front of their new MicroAid houses..


As you know, all donations go toward the projects; overhead is paid by me and the board of directors. And once a project is started, I don’t leave the field until it is complete.

That’s what sets MicroAid apart from all the other disaster nonprofits: we help people directly, efficiently, and completely.

Now, we’re working on raising money for the next projects in Nicaragua, Indonesia, and Nepal.

Thank you for the support. . Jon Ross

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