MicroAid Honors its Word
Earlier this month, MicroAidreturned to Mexico to continue the project we started in March of 2020. At that time, we had selected a beneficiary family and were planning to rebuild their house after the old one was destroyed by the Chiapas earthquake in 2017.

Since then, the family of six has been living in a makeshift one-room structure that is neither comfortable nor secure.

Throughout the pandemic, we have stayed in contact, and we assured them that MicroAid would eventually rebuild their home.

The re-meeting went very well. The family is extremely grateful and they understand that MicroAid is made up of a group of donors who make this all possible. They thank you… and I thank you.

Now, we are clearing the site so that we can start digging the foundation.

MicroAid is working with a local architect to use traditional design elements that take into account the cultural requirements of a home in this area—this is a Zapotec community and the layout and nature of the rooms is very specific. Of course, we will build the house to withstand future earthquakes. It is a small site, but we have made the most of the space, giving the kids a sleeping loft above the main bedroom. In this culture, many people, even the well-to-do, prefer to sleep in hammocks.

If we have learned anything from the covid era, it’s that people need a comfortable, safe, permanent place to live so that they can lock-down and, possibly, recover from a deadly sickness. No matter what, MicroAid will keep helping families—survivors of natural disasters who have lost their homes—by rebuilding permanent houses, which will last for generations to come.
Since we also just completed another house in Nepal, I hope that you can make a donation, now, to support this additional project in Mexico. Please click on this secure link to help: https://www.microaidinternational.org/copy-of-donate-1
Thank you for being part of this important work.
Wishing us all the best,
Jon Ross
MicroAid International
rebuilding permanent houses
for survivors of natural disasters
after the world's attention has moved on
Instagram: @MicroAidInternational