Other Disasters Still Happen
Last week, a magnitude-7.4 earthquake struck southern Oaxaca State in Mexico—the same area where MicroAid was starting to rebuild houses in March for families who survived a similar earthquake in 2017.

Even though we are facing multiple crises at the moment, add "destroyed home" to the list, in other places in the world.

MicroAid will rebuild permanent houses in Oaxaca when we are allowed to return.
In the meantime, we have resumed rebuilding a permanent home for a family in Nepal whose house was severely damaged in the 2015 Ghorka earthquake. This is a ground-up construction in the urban Kathmandu Valley town of Bhaktapur. There are still hundreds of thousands of families who need homes rebuilt in Nepal, and MicroAid will continue to help them.

What would it be like if you didn’t have a place to lock-down during these difficult times?
Thanks to your support of MicroAid, you have saved so many families from this worse fate.
Because you donated, all our MicroAid beneficiary families around the world—in Peru, Sri Lanka, Paraguay, the Philippines, and Nepal—are safely locked-down in their comfortable and permanent MicroAid homes. They are so grateful.
Please make another donation, now, so we can continue our work in Nepal, in Mexico, and around the world—where one disaster does not mean others don’t continue to happen.
Thank you.
I hope you and your loved ones are safe, comfortable, and healthy.
Jon Ross
Founder/project manager