That's Gratitude for Ya
Happy post-Easter. Here in Samoa it’s an all-weekend holiday of church-going and pageants by the children. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday—no work, but events, food, church, and more food.
Living in the village for so long has enabled me to see yet another layer of the culture and aspects of a small community, as individual personalities become apparent, and people start really talking to me. (Trying to, anyway.)
Because the church is so important in the community, I go to church on Sunday. My palagi clothes were messing up their coordinated costumes, so they found some extra duds for me. When in rome… (That’s an Yves Saint Laurent tuxedo shirt, by the way. Where they got it I have no idea.)

Also, the chief council has decided to bestow a title on me, I will be amatai in this village—which basically means I can come and go as I please, have a place to sleep and food to eat, have a say in village decisions (I wonder if I can Skype into the to’onai :0) ) and can order “untitled” people around—which I do anyway :0) , not to mention always get a table at the best restaurants without a reservation, and VIP access to the disco.
And, a new baby was named after me. (Jon Ross and cousin, Lagi, below.) Go figure.