When confronted by the enormous suffering and need following a disaster, people can often be overwhelmed and paralyzed—they feel that there is nothing they can do to help, or that a small effort won’t make a difference. When faced with this dilemma, Sydney Smith said, “It is the greatest mistake to do nothing because all you can do is a little.”
MicroAid solves this dilemma by assisting in a small and direct way—to help one family, or one community, overcome one catastrophe. Jon Ross says, “Just because you can’t help everyone, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t help anyone.”
MicroAid stays focused on disaster zones after the world's attention has moved on. We remember that there are survivors who still need help even though they are no longer in the news.
MicroAid supports and implements seven basic humanitarian principles.
MicroAid addresses human suffering wherever it is found, with particular attention to children, women, the displaced, the infirm, and the elderly. Alleviating human suffering and reducing the adverse economic impact from disasters is at the core of MicroAid’s work.
MicroAid does not take sides in a conflict based on political, racial, religious, or ideological identity.
MicroAid ensures that aid reaches those who are suffering based solely on need, without partiality or discrimination.
MicroAid achieves its objectives with the support of governments, large international NGOs, and local agencies, but remains independent from political, economic, military, or other competing objectives.
MicroAid strives to eliminate or minimize inequalities, dependencies, and local tensions while fulfilling its humanitarian mission.
MicroAid helps build people’s capacity to achieve self-sufficiency and increases their ability to cope with future crises.
MicroAid is accountable in its project design and evaluation to the beneficiary as well as to the donors who make the assistance possible.